Lessons from Yahoo: Incremental Change Doesn’t Work

Market Leadership Myths: In the “olden days”, companies and corporations were urged to move slowly when they made changes.  After all, it takes a long time to turn a big ship, right?  Change is difficult, right?  A leader who moved too fast could end up too far ahead of the organization and end up losing engagement with followers, right? Market Leadership Truth In the digital…

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Digital Marketing Perspectives

Digital Marketing Perspectives I was thinking about the veritable blizzard of “How-to-do-digital-marketing” articles online when a recent snowfall blanketed our city in white.  Many people took pictures.  But most of them looked the same.  It’s easy to get a feel for what a lot of snow looks like in a wide shot.  Yes, snow is white. There is no doubt about it.  But I found that the…

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