Toledo Copy Writing, Blog Writing & Powerpoint Presentations Portfolio
Copywriting Service For Toledo Ohio and The World!

Professional copy, copywriting, writing, content, blogging, website news, product descriptions, technical writing, writing services
What style will your presentation be, EXACTLY? Who is your audience, Exactly? In what tone, EXACTLY, will you make this presentation? Will you argue from a positive or negative position and how far in either direction will you go, EXACTLY? Finally, EXACTLY what is the call to action? What is the next step toward gaining a customer from this opportunity? Not sure? Don’t know? I can help you with that!
Read my copywriting portfolio below. If one article doesn’t resonate with you, read another…. The first was written intentionally to appeal to a technical audience. Some other personality types wouldn’t like it. That’s OK. Maybe you are not a fan of technical writing or it is not what you are looking for. Other articles were written in a loose, casual, or conversational tone.
Below are two different pieces showing ways I might write copy for a PowerPoint Presentation Introduction Slide using the image above, differing based on the audience.
First Example, Casual, Creative Style for Non Accounting Types Preferring Casual Style:
Well guys, it’s a seasonal business, and this is one of our traditional slow months. But we ARE having a good year! Maybe a GREAT Year!
Look at the trend lines on the bottom graph. Both are going in the right direction, wouldn’t you say?
Now we are here to think about next year. What can we do to improve on this? Any ideas?
Second Example, Formal, Corporate Style for Non Accounting Types:
The purpose of this meeting is to practice continual improvement. Business is slow right now, as usual this month every year. But the bottom graph shows leads and sales both trending up.
This is a brainstorming session where there are no right or wrong answers, just ideas with potential that may be worth exploring. In this session, we will address the following questions in a 360 degree review: What should we STOP DOING? What should we START DOING? What Should We Continue Doing? I will collect all ideas generated in this session.Who wants to start?
Audiences I Write For:
I can write for accounting audiences, engineering audiences, business audiences (B2B or B2C), real estate agents, real estate buyers, real estate sellers, medical sites, legal sites, and more, including consumers. I can provide corporate writing and technical writing or casual conversational writing. I write sales copy, marketing copy, website copy, blog copy or social media copy. I can write brand or image-building copy, “how-to” copy, or lead-generating copy.
If you want to hire writing like this, then Book A Call Now or Contact Me Today!
Copywriting For Technology Blog @ Leading Tech Consulting Firm:
Having the right data at the right place, at the right time, can help you discover market opportunities, improve quality, speed up production or delivery, and help you outmaneuver the competition. The right data can help you do so more efficiently – thus more profitably. The problem with these seemingly simple goals is that they get a lot of lip service without driving action.
The Information Age has ushered in an era of Big Data to support business decision-making.
Big Data knows everything and wants to tell you all about it so you can make better business decisions. But Data Mining provides such a rich opportunity that it is easy to fall into the trap of analysis paralysis. While traditional data aggregators continue to collect ever more time-tested data points around consumer preferences and social trends that influence markets, from ever larger and more segmented audiences, the Internet of Things (IoT) adds a staggering amount of new data. Sooner or later we face the question of how to parse that data to inform intelligent action.
Albert Einstein famously said, “The more I learn, the more I realize how much I don’t know.”
Clouds of bits and terabytes, event reports, and moving average projections based on standard deviations can obscure the vision of managers trying to land meaningful projects on time and within budget.
Marketing has become a data-driven hard science built on psychology, sociology, behavioral studies, and metrics like time on page, bounce rates, click-through rates, A/B testing and other techniques supported by google analytics data.
Things like Google Analytics, Time On Page, Bounce Rates, Click-Through Rates (CTR), Abandoned Carts, Returning Users, Artificial Intelligence, Predictive Modeling, and Remarketing Ad Strategies have changed the game.
Newer Kanban-style manufacturing control systems with goals of Just in Time (JIT) inventory management for lean manufacturing have given way to even more sophisticated Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems.
End to end Value Chain Engineering, Process Control, Agile Project Management techniques, the Internet of Things (IoT), and sophisticated Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) systems have been implemented to create more, better products delivered to the market faster and at a lower cost.
Data Science is an emerging field that can be applied to everything from marketing to value chain and even human resources. Minute details are collected at every moment and fed into a centralized pattern-matching, categorizing, and decision tree system that can be parsed using algorithms to help produce new and actionable insights. If you don’t have this kind of talent in-house, then it might be a good idea to obtain contract help from specialists.
Which theories should be tested first? How many variables should we consider? How do we prioritize them? Should we be more concerned with size, speed, rate of acceleration, or location? In the race to acquire data and analyze it, don’t forget that it takes smart people to ask the right questions, measure the right things, and introduce logic and segmentation to drive action.
Better questions produce better answers. What do stakeholders actually want? Which segments are moving fastest? Where is the market really headed and why? What action steps can we take right now to get there ahead of the competition?
Published by client at
Copywriting Example For Guest Blog:
Organization Supports STEM Education and Minds of Bright Young African Students
The STEM DRC Initiative is an example of an organization dedicated to lifting the economic future of an entire country by moving minds forward in the arena of Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM). This is done by providing STEM Education Scholarships to students in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, (DRC) in Africa, and collaborating with STEM professionals from the USA, DRC, and the world.
The primary goal of the STEM DRC Initiative is to provide STEM education
This kind of empowerment to support bright young students will support future economic development for the benefit of the entire country as a whole.
The organization is pleased to announce that it has secured the approval of the first lady of DRC Denise Tshisekedi, wife of President Felix Tshisekedi. In addition, Mrs. Tshisekedi has graciously agreed to be the Ambassador of STEM DRC Initiative.
Last year the 501c3 Non-Profit Foundation offered 6 scholarships, and this year thanks to our sponsors in the DRC they are offering 55 scholarships. The organization is especially excited to share that 70 percent of these scholarships are for women in STEM.
The organization and scholarship efforts are supported by a network of STEM professionals, students, researchers, institutions, and entrepreneurs who operate in the DRC , it’s diaspora, including the USA. Please see for more information.
The STEM DRC Initiative was founded by Dr. Sandrine Mubenga, Ph.D., PE who was born in the city of Kinshasa in the DRC. After suffering a potentially lethal medical emergency as a young lady, because a hospital in Kinshasa, DRC had no electricity and no gas for the generator, Dr. Mubenga decided to dedicate her life to bringing electricity to her native country.
Dr. Mubenga completed her Bachelor, Masters and Doctoral work at the University of Toledo in the USA. During this time, she invented a hybrid hydrogen/electric car along with a hydrogen generating station that creates hydrogen fuel for the car from sunlight and air.
She also helped invent the Bi-level Battery Equalizer for improved management of large-scale lithium-ion battery banks such as are used in Automotive, Aerospace, and Solar Power Installations, and Utility-Scale Solar PV Electrification projects. This patented invention reduces battery bank size by 30% and increases service life by 30% making products using lithium-ion battery banks smaller, lighter, and more durable.
As Founder and CEO of SMIN Power Group LLC, Dr. Mubenga is working as an electrical engineer with an interest in electrification projects up to and including those serving entire communities. She is also a tenure-track professor of electrical engineering technology at the University of Toledo.
The STEM DRC Initiative is seeking partnerships with others of like mind and spirit to offer:
1. STEM-based online classes and tutorials that have plenty of DIY videos for traditional students.
2. STEM-based online classes for those who dropped out of school but are interested in STEM. Especially girls.
3. Virtual (Remote Online) classes where the professor can be in one location and teach a class located in the DRC, Africa, or anywhere in the world.
Further, The STEM DRC Initiative would like to create STEM DRC Centers in DRC where:
1. Children (students) and adults (teachers) can experiment with hands-on activities and STEM classes.
2. Testing will take place for the STEM scholarship
3. Entrepreneurs in the STEM field can find the resources, mentorship, and facilities to start their business with the support of an incubator providing facilities for 3-4 small business startups.
4. Top-notch lab spaces based on international standards can be created for collaborative research such as those sponsored by the NSF.
The mission of the STEM DRC Initiative can be summed up as follows.
“Our main concern is to find ways to foster the desire for engagement in STEM education, to find ways to maintain it in students and teachers, to encourage collaborative research in STEM fields, and to foster entrepreneurship in STEM industries. We believe that the STEM fields will empower Congolese to find solutions to problems faced in DRC, Africa, USA and the world.“
Interested readers, media, or potential partners are invited to investigate further at, , and
Posted by education industry thought leader as guest blog at
Copywriting Example Essay:
Age Discrimination In The Workplace?
Age discrimination by other names:
We all know that Age Discrimination is not legal in the USA. Age Discrimination shouldn’t happen. But Age Discrimination does happen in hiring practices in the workplace – every day! Of course, entrenched Age Discrimination is not done overtly. It goes by other names. The end of the road is paved with HR-approved practices such as re-assignment, budget cuts, departmental re-organizations, Performance Improvement Plans, and “Moving forward with other more qualified candidates” based on goals that are not actually related to company success.
Just try getting a new job if you are over 50.
You will hear the word “Overqualified”. It’s code for, “You are too old.” Too old for what? Age brings skill, wisdom, experience, and even valuable social skills that can help a company succeed.
I have been told that a person with my experience won’t be satisfied with the position.
Really? Maybe the work would be easier for me, with all my experience, leaving me more able to perform well without some of the job stress a less qualified candidate would experience. Perhaps my ability to collaborate with others and even help them with their work, as an internal resource would be higher. It seems likely that having people around who can do the job easily would contribute to overall departmental and company success.
I have been told that my experience as a former manager or company owner renders me unlikely to be able to take direction.
Really? Maybe it enables me to understand my supervisor’s needs better than others who have not been in his or her shoes? Perhaps it allows me to not only perform well but help my manager succeed. Again, it seems likely that having people around who can do the job easily would contribute to overall departmental and company success.
Employers seem to think older workers are less motivated, or won’t stay as long since they are not trying to ‘build a career and make a name for themselves”.
Really? I have bills to pay! Serious bills too. My motivation is higher than somebody that needs money to buy bubble gum, or the latest video game. The very fact that I am not trying to be on a fast track to the next job means I might stay longer than the average younger employee. These days, nobody really stays at one job as long as was normal in the past. Most younger people change jobs every few years. In fact, in today’s world, most workers will never become corporate or company legends. The days of working for one employer all your life have been over for a long time.
Human Resource Managers and Employers need to wake up!
Your company will profit if you can be more open-minded about how older workers bring something valuable called maturity and experience which can contribute to smoother operation and greater success.
Wouldn’t it be nice to have less drama in the workplace? Younger employees may not be as skilled, nor as well rounded, nor as experienced in social matters or office politics… nor as committed to the big picture.
Take a step forward, toward organizational goals, by putting a stop to age discrimination in the workplace and hiring decisions. Start now and your success will enhance your own reputation in the company in the long run!
Originally published on LinkedIn at
Copywriting / Motivational Story Telling: Creative Writing For Business
Retold here: The original version was picked up by financial magazines and by the Associated Press! (Originally written for a trade magazine, during a recession, using the art of storytelling to encourage readers to choose to invest in their businesses instead of cutting budgets. The message is that recessions and recoveries are self-fulfilling prophecies. We make our own success!)
The Hot Dog Man & The Recession:
An old story about how recessions happen and how to end one – retold by Lonn Dugan
Once upon a time… there was a good man. He had worked hard all his life. His work was not rewarding but he was careful to do a good job. Even so, it seems as though his boss was never happy. He often wondered what kind of boss he would be if he ever set out on his own. Suddenly, one day the company closed its doors. Just like that, the good man was unemployed. He went home and told his wife. She cried.
Then she asked, “How are we going to send our boy to college”? The man said, “I will think of something.” He got to thinking about the times he had traveled on business to the big city and needed a cheap lunch. There was always a hot dog cart on the corner by the hotel. A Hot Dog Man was selling hot dogs from a little cart on wheels. It seemed like a very small enterprise, but he was always happy. He always gave a little something extra – a friendly smile with every purchase. This experience made quite an impression. The margins had to be pretty good. The man decided to follow his dream and sell hot dogs.
Soon the Hot Dog Man was enjoying record sales. He ALWAYS used the best meat, bread and top-quality condiments. He charged more than some, but his dogs were very good. He always said his secret ingredient was the free smile he gave with every purchase.
He put up signs, advertised, cross-promoted, and did all the right things. He regularly added new carts and new employees. Business was very good. Overhead was low and profit was high. He made sure to teach every new employee to give service with a smile.
As his company grew, the Hot Dog Man came to realize that his lack of formal education might limit his success. He felt this was needed to grow even bigger. Fortunately, he made enough profit to send his oldest son to a VERY GOOD COLLEGE. And this is just what he did.
After many years, the big day finally comes when the son graduates and comes home from college. Everybody is happy to see him and wonders what he has been learning. The son asks about the business. His face becomes very long and serious as he listens.
“Dad, don’t you know we’re in a recession? You need to cut your spending, and be ready. Business will slow down. All the experts predict this.” The father is very concerned when he hears this. He stays awake all that night worrying about what his son has said.
He Decides to Listen To “The Experts”. The following day he pulls down several signs, abandons a few street corners, and lays off a few employees.
Sure Enough: By The End Of The Month: Business is Down! He thought, “Wow, it’s a good thing I listened to my son. There really is a recession.”
The next month, the son says “This is not over. It’s going to get worse. All the economists say so.” The Hot Dog Man trusts the experts. He sells a few of his hot dog carts and cuts advertising. Instead of being optimistic and trying new things, he begins to take a wait-and-see attitude. Why not let others try new things first? He hangs on to the cash he has instead of promoting the business as he had.
Sure Enough: Business got worse! He thought, “Wow, it’s a good thing I sent my son to college to become an expert on the economy”!
This went on for some time. Days were gloomy.
Then one morning, as the Hot Dog Man was remembering the good old days, he decided to disregard the so-called experts.
He got some carts out of storage, put up a few extra signs, and sales went up! He began advertising again and sales went up again! He hired some of his people back and reminded them to give service with a smile. Sales went up again!
The Hot Dog Man learned to make his own luck and sales continue to increase to this day!
Moral: Let others complain about the economy. You Make Your Own Luck!
Example Email Marketing Copy:
In spite of all the BAD NEWS about REAL ESTATE—There are still an average of 600 homes selling every month in our area.
If the average buyer or seller (or both) spends $10,000 on paint, carpet, appliances, flooring, roofing, windows, doors, or more, then they are spending $6,000,000 to $12,000,000 per month right here in Greater Toledo.
Call now for free details – XXX.XXX.XXXX
Example Copy For Press Release:
Buckeye CableSystem Contact: Lonn Dugan
5552 Southwyck Blvd Real Estate Manager
Toledo OH 43614 419-724-7279
HomeFinder Channel 100 Grows, Welcomes Agents of Danberry Realtors
HomeFinder Channel 100 is proving to be a bright spot in the local real estate scene. Buckeye CableSystem’s 24-hour real estate channel and the companion website at celebrated their first anniversary recently by reporting growth in several key areas.
HomeFinder Channel 100 recently added two new participating Brokers and several Agent Advertisers. Real estate related ad sales are increasing, as is consumer interest in both HomeFinder Channel 100 and the web service. Finally, a new ad campaign has been launched to report higher levels of buyer interest and sales activity as the economy begins to recover.
The newest brokerages to join the program include Danberry Realtors, considered the market leader, and Key Realty, which is the fastest-growing new brokerage serving Greater Toledo. “With Danberry on board, we are now able to serve agents at 9 of the top 10 brokerages in town,” said Steve Piller, vice president of advertising sales for Buckeye. “Several of the most successful agents in Greater Toledo have come on board recently.” Web or TV ads have recently been placed by top producing agents such as Mark Kruse, Deborah Gedert, and Kendall Gigax of Danberry Realtors, Dick Helminiak at RE/MAX Preferred, Allen Hotchkiss at Sulphur Springs, as well as Tammy Frye and Jack Schroeder at RE/MAX Masters.
“HomeFinder Channel 100 has also experienced growth in terms of advertiser sales as well as the size of the daily audience,” added Lonn Dugan, real estate manager for Buckeye. “Channel 100 is now delivered to over 80,000 Buckeye CableSystem digital subscriber homes. In addition, thousands of unique visitors have viewed over 1,000,000 Web pages in a single month according to an independent log file analysis report by AWSTATS”, he said.
“HomeFinder Channel 100 helps spread hope and help to an actively buying or selling audience. People have been scared by all the news about credit problems and foreclosures. They need to know that home loans are available, and that properly priced and staged homes really can be sold in today’s market. It’s a fact that buyer interest in real estate is growing again due to low prices, great loan rates, and the $8,000 refundable tax credit offered to first-time homebuyers.”
HomeFinder, Page 2
“The past year proved to be a challenging time to launch a new real estate marketing service,” Mr. Piller said. “But it turned out to be a great opportunity to bring local media into the mix and show our support for those who want to sell their homes,” he added. “Television has always been powerful and effective. Now it’s affordable for Realtors and home sellers. The technology for this was conceived right here in Toledo by Buckeye CableSystem. No out-of-town company could do what we have done.”
A new ad campaign pushes the theme ‘Real Estate Sales Are Blooming.’ Ads run on HomeFinder Channel 100 and many other cable channels, as well as online. “Our promotion of the $8,000 first-time buyer tax credit is one example of how we support the efforts of homeowners, buyers, Realtors, and allied trades working to overcome market trends”, Mr. Dugan said. “By sharing good news, we offer hope”, he added.
The ads also promote unique features at such as an exclusive Open House Guide with unique search and mapping tools. A new Featured Agent Program helps buyers or sellers locate agents who specialize in modern marketing methods as well as those who lead in sales in certain areas or home types.
As for the popularity of the service, Dugan notes that “A television show is easy to share with a friend or spouse, while our website offers unique and powerful real estate search engine features. The Featured Agent program at helps make the site especially useful.
“Our Featured Agents are among the most active in the real estate market”, Mr. Dugan said. “Several are telling us that 2009 is off to a great start compared to recent years. Some agents may still be waiting for better days, but the ones we are helping are excelling – at least in part because they are committed to providing the best marketing for their sellers”. Sellers working with Featured Agents can have their home on TV 3 times a day, 7 days a week, until the house sells.
Dugan notes that “Our growth signals good news for the broader local economy.” He believes that a recovery is coming in the real estate sector. When it arrives, it will usher in a larger economic recovery for greater Toledo. A number of businesses depend on real estate activity. Obvious beneficiaries include mortgage lenders and title companies. Other businesses that will also benefit from improvements in the housing market include appliance and furniture retailers as well as window and door, siding, roofing, flooring, and landscaping services. All do better when more homes are being sold. “As the economy improves, we can help them reach the increasing number of buyers and sellers who need their services”, says Mr. Dugan.
HomeFinder Channel 100 features homes for sale in Greater Toledo, including areas of Southeast Michigan. The unique service works with the Multiple Listing Service to allow Realtors to advertise homes both online and on TV.
Ads at are free to all agents and sellers. Listings include homes for sale by all participating Realtors™ at all participating brokers. Optional upgrades add agent photos and phone numbers to web listings and create a TV ad. Participating agents report that they get more calls and showings on the homes they sponsor at HomeFinder Channel 100
Example Positive Thinking Essay:
True Wealth Comes From Riches Retained When Given Away:
If somebody told you that life was a sort of contest where the winner was the one who gave the most away, what would you think? Would you think first of some religious teaching that was impossible to actually practice in this day and age? Or would you turn to the material world for explanations?
Business Navigators International teaches that “Givers Gain”. Science teaches that we harvest crops in type and quantity according to the type and quantity of seed we sow. Religions teach parables that we should give according to what we want to receive. These teachings might have us soon working at giving wealth to get it. Or perhaps we would be planting as much seed as humanly possible in order to gain a bigger and better harvest. Faster, faster… More, more… until…..
Of course, only the rats win the ‘Rat Race’ just described. Most of the giving and doing in the material world leaves us simply poorer and exhausted. In comes ‘Wisdom’ to rescue us from an unfortunate end. If only we give at the right moment, to the right person, in the right amount…. Surely there is one best and only right way at every moment. Isn’t there? Of course, the question is rhetorical.
As a modern philosopher, I teach that most wisdom of the ages regarding wealth building does not apply to the material world. To be the best one can be is not to choose the one right way at every moment. Investing in a sure thing will no more make you rich than the proper practice of the attraction principle will defy gravity. It does not matter how successfully one focuses on the past performance of any stock. There is no guarantee of future performance. It does not matter how well one develops a mental picture of gravity defied. Gravity is still gravity.
To develop true wealth is not to win a race defined in the material world. It is to be open-minded and ever watchful for the opportunity to give from the riches of one’s own unique perspective, grace, and understanding. Giving any of these takes nothing from oneself yet gives something to the other, multiplying goodwill among men. Making the world a better place with a kind word makes you a better person, and so also the listener. A gift of knowledge, hope, or encouragement, given to a fellow human being in need takes nothing from the giver.
The opportunities to make the world a wealthier place are right before us at all times. We do not have to manufacture them artificially, as ‘Human Doings’. Instead, we can bask in pure joy as ‘Human Beings’. As Joseph Campbell said, “Follow your bliss.” This would be close to what I mean, if not quite when I say “Give of Your Bliss”. When we identify what it is we have to give, in spirit, and give it freely, we both keep and give the gift to others at the same time. In this way, our gifts are multiplied constantly. And we are wealthy indeed! All manner of success in personal development, sales, business, leadership, time management, and finance will surely follow.
Charles Brite: Poet author philosopher Charles Brite has been a marketer, salesperson, sales coach, men’s ministry leader, and philosopher for many decades. He curates a collection of wise thoughts vetted from across the ages and all traditions on Facebook at
Example Magazine Letter From the Editor:
It’s time for summer fun. I hope you enjoy fishing, swimming, and camping – or at least a few barbecues and picnics! How about lazy summer evenings on the deck? I know I do! With the onset of this warmer weather, most folks gravitate toward the outdoors. Many of you will spend free time enjoying your yard with family and close friends. It’s a good time to pause and say Life is Good!
This issue of Your Home and Lifestyle magazine brings you essential tips for living in the outdoors. You will discover the latest outdoor living trends, many stylish and functional elements for an outside kitchen, and ideas for entertaining in the open air.
Please enjoy this June issue of Your Home and Lifestyle magazine as my gift to you. I send it to show appreciation for your past business, repeat business, future business, or valued referrals. If you have a friend or family member who needs help buying or selling, then I hope you will give them my name and number. I will treat them just like family and send you a nice gift as well! If you know anyone who is in need of assistance, please do not hesitate to call on me.
Thank you, and have a splendid month of June.
Example Real Estate Blog Post:
If You THINK You Can – You’re Right?
Henry Ford is famously quoted as saying, “Whether you think you can or think you can’t – you’re right!”
In the childhood rhyme, “The Little Engine That Could”‘, we seem to find agreement with this idea when the little engine manages to climb the tall hill by saying, over and over “I think I can, I think I can.”
At we read: “In the tale, a long train must be pulled over a high mountain. Various larger engines, treated anthropomorphically, are asked to pull the train; for various reasons they refuse. The request is sent to a small engine, who agrees to try. The little engine succeeds in pulling the train over the mountain while repeating its motto: “I-think-I-can”.
Modern clarifications of this theme come from Star Wars, Episode Five, “The Empire Strikes Back” – Yoda tells Master Luke “Do or Do Not Do. There is no Try.”
Along the same line, Napoleon Hill teaches, “The human mind can achieve whatever it can conceive and BELIEVE.” (emphasis added).
All these sayings ring true – but merely ‘thinking’ may be a lot like ‘trying’. Ask Yoda in Star Wars about that. “There is no TRY Master Luke. Only Do or Do Not Do.”
Thinking is not ENOUGH! To rouse the power of the spirit, we must BELIEVE. When you BELIEVE you unleash your creative power!
What are you believing today? Aim high and go far!
Example Marketing Essay:
American Silver, Marketing Gold!
The stereotypes about aging folk are endless. The derisive term “Cotton Tops” is often applied to the silver-haired demographic known as Baby Boomers. Many otherwise intelligent folks have said:
“Retiring Baby Boomers are going to bankrupt America!” Just think. Social Security will go bankrupt. The drag on health insurance and the massive increase in health care spending will destroy the health care delivery system. All those flaming liberals have become conservative, anti-GLBT moralizers, and dependent dead weights on society. Oh, yes…. And not only that… but… (fill in the blank).
Well, that’s all nonsense. Baby Boomers have transformed every economic, demographic, and sociographic age/stage they passed through from birth. Members of the Silver Generation were politically active trendsetters in their youth. They changed the face of government and society. They will most certainly do it again as they age.
Today’s 60 year old is nothing like a 60 year old person of 20 years ago. The Silver Generation will not go silently into a pre-defined sunset. They will not simply accept the current standard of health care and living arrangements for old folks.
The Silver Generation in America is healthier, more active, and has more money than their parents did in old age. They are not planning to leave a legacy, but to live as large as they can in their well-earned glory days of retirement. But they may not retire until age 75. Between now and then, they will spend their wealth on many things that make life easier and more enjoyable. Hot tubs, lap pools, or EZ Chairs that raise gently to help them stand after sitting.
After retirement, they may spend it on things we have not yet heard of. Silver Homes will have buttons and knobs that are easy to operate when one has arthritis. These homes will be wired, so that a stove left on can be automatically or remotely turned off. Motion sensors will report to health care or loved ones if there is not enough movement. Health Monitors will automatically report vital statistics to healthcare providers or loved ones. Silver Communities will have every manner of convenience available by golf cart. Silver Activities will invite Baby Boomers to engage in appropriate sports, social, and recreational activities. Silver Merchants will cater to individuals who move slower, can’t see small print, and value quiet comfort while shopping. Silver Health Care Providers will supply yet unheard-of mobility enhancements and cures to chronic diseases. The list could be extensive.
So, if hand-wringing won’t help the business world deal with the Silver Generation, then what can we do? We can find out what the silver generation wants, in terms of products and services, and figure out how to deliver at a price and place that is convenient! That’s good old-fashioned marketing.
The Four “P”’s of Marketing still apply, but have morphed. Besides Product, Place, Price, and Promotion, we should add another “P”. That additional ingredient is… People! The message is that as Baby Boomers become the Silver Generation, they represent an opportunity for marketers to carve out new niches and bank the coin as they turn silver into gold!
Copywriting Example: Audiology Client Blog Post:
Why Do Some Hearing Aids Cost So Much More Than Others?
Prices for hearing aids offered by JWaligora Audiology range widely depending on several important factors.
Think about the other items you buy; basic functionality may start at fairly low prices. But what if you want more features or better performance? At higher prices, you can expect better precision, better materials, and greater durability. Wouldn’t you want the same options for your hearing aids?
Basic hearing aids make all sounds louder, but volume is not the only issue with hearing loss. Better-quality hearing aids can filter out background noise and selectively enhance human voices over other sounds. Specific sound ranges such as high tones or low notes can receive special handling based on the individual need.
The sound processing features of higher-priced hearing aids will allow the wearer to select settings for conversation, small quiet spaces, or large noisy areas. High-quality design and materials provide a better overall experience for the wearer. The best hearing aids adjust automatically to a wide variety of listening environments and automatically block overly loud noises.
If high-quality sound is important to you, or if you lead an active lifestyle, you will want to investigate all performance levels and options available. Your hearing aid dispenser at JWaligora Audiology can help you understand the differences and make the right selection.
Price isn’t everything, but it does provide some guidance as to what a hearing aid wearer can expect in terms of appearance, performance, comfort, and sophistication of programming. If you don’t drive a Yugo, why would you put one in your ear?
For more information, contact our office at J Waligora Audiology in East Syracuse, New York, today.
Copywriting Example Audiology Client Blog Post #2: Parker Audiology
Holiday Season Can Reveal Hearing Aid Need
The holiday season begins this month, bringing music, laughter, family gatherings, and special conversations. The audiology professionals at Parker and Castle Rock Centers for Audiology want to help you and your family overcome any hearing health issues that might interfere with these activities.
Family members who have not seen each other for some time may be the first to notice changes. For instance, parents may not have thought much about a child’s growth, but Grandma may say he is much taller than last year. Hearing loss changes may also have happened so slowly that the immediate family had not noticed.
Early signs of correctable hearing loss may include a need to turn up the television or radio more than others prefer. You may have difficulty following conversations in noisy areas with lots of background noise. Trying to hear one person in a large social gathering or busy restaurant can become difficult. Soft voices of loved ones, children, or grandchildren can make you wish they spoke louder. You may notice people tapping you on the shoulder to let you know somebody is speaking to you.
Are you or a loved one missing out on the most delightful or meaningful times of life that come through the sense of hearing? Do you find yourself or a family member struggling to hear spoken words in noisy areas, asking people to speak louder, or trying to read lips because conversations seem muffled? It may be time to get your hearing tested.
At Parker and Castle Rock Centers for Audiology, we are the hearing aid experts in Parker Colorado and Castle Rock Colorado. We can help you hear what you’ve been missing.
Questions? Please call our office or send a question through our contact us page. We are all ears.
Copywriting For Medical Product Web Page: Ahrens Hearing Center
Why Choose Ahrens?
The hearing aid professionals at Ahrens Hearing Center know they are not the only place to get hearing aids in Fairlawn New Jersey, but they are dedicated to being the best.
Where does this focus on providing outstanding personal service in hearing aid fittings and hearing aid education come from? It’s a family tradition! Ahrens Hearing Center was founded by Robert Ahrens in 1968. Today his daughter Cathi Ahrens Berke, and Grandson Dan Berke carry on the devotion to providing excellent service. That’s three generations of the Ahrens family that have wholeheartedly committed themselves to providing the best possible service to hearing aid patients.
The proof is found in the results. Two-thirds of Ahrens Hearing Center patients are repeat patients. Another result of giving great service can be found on the client testimonials page. Finally, the number of patients who refer friends and family says a lot. About one-third of patients come from current patients referring friends and family members to “go see Ahrens”.
The staff is dedicated to personal attention, listening to the patient’s needs very carefully, and acting in their best interest. Services include hearing aid sales, hearing aid service, hearing aid accessories, assistive listening devices, earmolds, and hearing aid batteries. Consumers who are not happy with their hearing aids, or don’t have a service provider in Fair Lawn NJ, may find that Ahrens Hearing Center can help, even if the hearing aids were fitted or dispensed elsewhere.
Interested in learning more? Contact our office in Fair Lawn, New Jersey today.
Copy For White Paper or Position Paper: Position Paper (White Paper)
The sun gets a lot of bad press, but this is mostly based on old medicine and bad science. Although we agree that repeated severe sunburns in childhood may contribute to malignant melanoma, we have to take a moment to disagree with much of what is written about sun exposure and cancer. There are two sides to this story about sun and health. The tide is turning in the weight of scientific evidence regarding the health benefits of moderate UV exposure. Too much sun is not healthy. However, neither is too little. The benefits of moderate UV exposure far outweigh the risks.
“Hundreds or even thousands of times more people die every year from inadequate sun exposure than from too much” according to Lonn Dugan, founder of the popular website which serves the indoor tanning industry and other sun-loving markets. Epidemiologists have shown that skin cancer rates have been growing at a rock solid even though alarming logarithmic rate for over a century. They further note that social practices regarding sunbathing have had no impact on this incidence. What this means is that increased sunbathing behavior in a culture does not cause a noticeable increase in skin cancer rates for that culture.
The skin cancer rate is increasing at about the same alarming pace for all population groups, whether they live in sun-drenched latitudes or sun-deprived latitudes. Since people only started exposing more skin when dressed in swimwear since the 60’s, and this corresponded with an increase in seaside vacationing, there should be a corresponding blip in the graph of skin cancer rates. BUT IT US NOT THERE! (From memory, from a presentation by Prof. Dr. F. Urbach, world-renowned Photo-biologist and Professor Emeritus, Temple University).
It is useful to also note that you cannot prove tanning salons cause cancer either. This is mainly because it takes 20 years for these cancers to develop and tanning salons have not been around much longer than that. Any statement that says tanning salons cause cancer is patently false and is only a theory. Some studies have proven that lamps with rays never emitted in a tanning salon can burn hairless, albino mice, (nocturnal creatures that cannot tan anyway) but no good scientific study has caused cancer in humans using tanning salon equipment.
The indoor tanning salon industry serves a customer base of 30,000,000 Americans who are very health and beauty conscious. We help them meet their need to be healthy and tan. We would not sell tanning rays if we believed what we read in the popular press. With so much new information coming out about the health benefits of UV exposure, we are shocked that media outlets of any stature would not work a little harder to present the facts. If there were a bias we would hope it would be toward promising new information about doing something that both feels good and provides health benefits at the same time!
Many publications persist in repeating old, outdated, and standard fare about sun and skin health. Such anti-tanning salon reporting is normal, but wrong. Perhaps the unpublished FDA reports often cited by our detractors are unpublished for a reason. Are you aware that almost all of the studies most often cited by our detractors have been debunked by top researchers and even many inside FDA as inconclusive or even bad science?
Journalists have a saying about how the ordinary is NOT NEWS, but the opposite of ordinary IS NEWS. The saying goes, “When a dog bites a man, that’s not news – but when a man bites a dog – now that is news.” Well…. The tanning industry is biting back against the medical, pharmaceutical, and cosmetic establishments. These folks profit from making people fear the sun. We call them the SUNBUSTERS (AKA White coated specter fighting goons in the movie, “GhostBusters”). We are fighting misinformation to bring you new, better, and more scientifically sound information.
Moderate sun exposure could help many women prevent breast cancer. Moderate exposure helps prevent malignant melanoma, as well as breast, colon, and prostate cancer. (Garland and Garland, U.S. Navy Study).
UV exposure helps prevent Osteoporosis. (Dr Holick, Boston University). Here is how. The skin can produce Vitamin D when exposed to the sun. Vitamin D is needed to bond to the calcium in your diet so that the body can deliver it to your bones. This is called the Calcium Uptake Mechanism. Without Vitamin D in your diet, you can take all the calcium pills you want and you will not get much benefit from it. The Vitamin D in your milk may prevent rickets but is not nearly enough to fuel the calcium uptake mechanism. (From memory after hearing Dr. Holick speak)
Dr Michael Hollick is also doing research funded in part by the Indoor Tanning Association, to show that vitamin D is produced in the skin and that it can, in vitro, reverse cancer cell proliferation – returning a cell population from cancerous to normal.
Here is a nugget for you: Sunscreens cause more skin cancer than they prevent.
Here is one more nugget: Sunbeds are classified as Class 1 Medical Devices by the FDA – which means they offer real health benefits with a very low risk of harmful consequences. They used to be classified as Class 2 Devices, which means they are not thought to be less dangerous than in the past. This fact does not square with the commonly quoted statements by SUNBUSTERS about there being no known health benefits from tanning. Doctors have been wrong before. And they are wrong again. Maybe dead wrong!
One final nugget: Since many health publications and websites have supported the PINK RIBBON campaign, about breast cancer awareness, you might be interested to know that there is a direct correlation between sun-deprived parts of the world and the incidence of breast cancer. Increased sun exposure as you move toward the equator seems to help prevent breast cancer.
The same can be said about prostate and colon cancer. Your readers might be interested in this.
For those who cannot get outdoor sun, for whatever reason, a tanning salon is a good alternative as part of a healthy lifestyle. That is why our slogan at is, “Today is a good day to be healthy and tan” tm.
For a great deal more information about the health benefits of moderate sun exposure, please visit and click on the various links about tanning and health. Then visit our message board link to the discussion forums. The direct link is at There is a forum of special interest regarding these issues. It is titled ÂTHE TRUTH ABOUT THE SUN AND YOUR HEALTH.Â
We thank you for your consideration of our point of view. I hope you will share our thoughts with your readers or viewers.
Please feel free to contact me if we can help you any further as you report on this topic this season.
Lonn Dugan, Certification Training Coordinator for Tanning Salon Operator Training
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