Marketing And Hot Water: Advice from Seth Godin

From Seth Godin, Author & Speaker on Marketing Topics:
A Great Metaphor and Question From Seth’s Blog Today: March 8, 2017
When does the water get hot?
If you want a hot shower, you’ll need to turn on the hot water a bit before you step inside. It can take a while for the hot water to rise up and clear the cold water from the pipes.
The thing is, though, that if you mistakenly turn the cold water tap instead, it’ll never get hot. No matter how long you wait.
Sometimes, it takes us too long to realize that we shouldn’t wait any longer and might consider checking if we turned on the wrong tap.
Nothing good comes from impatiently jumping from one approach to another, one grand scheme replaced by another. But persistently sticking with a plan that goes nowhere is almost as bad. The art of making a difference begins with thinking hard about when it’s time to move on. The Dip is real, but there are dead ends everywhere.
Sometimes, the world is telling us it’s time to leap.
Yes Seth. Well said. Thank you for being an inspiration to so many with your metaphors!
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